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Climate, migration, and the local food security context: introducing Terra Populus

Authors Raphael J. Nawrotzki, Allison M. Schlak, Tracy A. Kugler
Year 2016
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 7
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1 Journal Article

Birth models in and between Italy and Senegal: a cross-cultural inquiry on the risks related to childbirth and birth technologies

Authors Chiara Quagliariello
Year 2019
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2 Journal Article

Who Goes Next? The Gendered Expansion of Mexican and Senegalese Migrant Sibling Networks in Space and Time

Authors Fernando Riosmena, Mao-Mei Liu
Year 2019
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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4 Journal Article


Authors Sophie Vause, Sorana Toma
Year 2015
Journal Name Population
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6 Journal Article

Emigration and Development in Senegal

Authors Lama Kabbanji, Sorana Toma
Book Title Emigration and Diaspora Policies in the Age of Mobility
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7 Book Chapter

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Jorge Bustamante addendum

Authors Jorge A. Bustamante, UN. Human Rights Council. Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants
Examines the protection of migrants' human rights by the Government of Senegal.
Year 2011
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8 Report

Sibling position, gender, and family networks in Mexican and Senegalese migration

Authors Mao‐Mei Liu, Mathew J. Creighton, Fernando Riosmena
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 4
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10 Journal Article

International Climate Migration: Evidence for the Climate Inhibitor Mechanism and the Agricultural Pathway

Authors Raphael J. Nawrotzki, Maryia Bakhtsiyarava
Year 2016
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 11
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11 Journal Article

CARIM – Migration Profile: Senegal

Authors Anna DI BARTOLOMEO, Tamirace FAKHOURY, Delphine PERRIN
Year 2010
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12 Report

Senegalesische Corona-Songs als Sensibilisierungs- und Informationsquelle für wolofsprachige Geflüchtete und Migrant*innen

Authors Julia Stier
Year 2020
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Flüchtlingsforschung
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13 Journal Article

Imagining greener pastures? Shifting perceptions of Europe and mobility in Senegalese society

Authors Stefano degli Uberti, Bruno Riccio
Year 2017
Journal Name Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa
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14 Journal Article

Policy and institutional frameworks : Senegal country report

Authors Sorana TOMA
This paper gives an outline of the policies adopted in Senegal for dealing with the emigration of its citizens and for engaging with its diaspora. It shows that the country does not have a coherent policy framework for managing this phenomenon, despite the long history and the high level of international out-migration. The managing of migration is done by different governmental departments and ministries, which have been criticized for their lack of coordination. Senegal is increasingly working with European states and has signed several bilateral agreements with France and Spain, whose objectives are reducing irregular flows, organizing legal channels of migration and offering public aid for infrastructure. Moreover, the government has been actively trying to engage Senegalese living abroad in the economic development of Senegal and of their origin communities, while also promoting the return and reintegration of the members of the diaspora. Other actors, such as international organization, private banks and particularly migrant associations have been involved in such efforts.
Year 2014
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15 Report

Translocal development: Italy–Senegal

Authors Ralph Grillo, Bruno Riccio
Year 2004
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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16 Journal Article

La migration circulaire des Sénégalais

Authors Marie-Laurence FLAHAUX, Cora MEZGER, Papa SAKHO
La migration circulaire est devenue un thème de discussion important au Sénégal depuis la signature d’accords de partenariat avec les pays de l’Union européenne pour une gestion concertée des migrations. Cependant, elle fait l’objet de peu de recherches au Sénégal. L’analyse suivante repose sur les données de l’enquête ménage du projet MAFE (Migration entre l’AFrique Europe) réalisée en 2008, qui a pour but d’étudier les mouvements migratoires dans toute leur complexité. Les résultats révèlent qu’un migrant sur quatre est rentré au Sénégal après cinq années passées à l’étranger. Les retours d’Afrique ont lieu plus rapidement que ceux des pays du Nord, et les jeunes ont tendance à moins rentrer lorsqu’ils ont migré vers le Nord. Parmi les migrants qui sont revenus au Sénégal, certains ont fait le choix de repartir vers l’étranger : 17 % des migrants qui ont effectué un premier retour résident à l’étranger au moment de l’enquête. Les nouveaux départs varient notamment selon la durée de la première migration et l’âge au moment du retour. Les migrants de retours présents au Sénégal en 2008 sont généralement plus instruits que ceux qui n’ont pas eu d’expérience migratoire et ils sont surreprésentés parmi les indépendants. En outre, la gestion de la migration circulaire et temporaire de travail au Sénégal, encore assez récente, est l’objet de nombreux dysfonctionnements. La discussion des résultats ouvre des pistes de réflexion sur le rôle des institutions compétentes dans ce domaine pour appréhender de façon plus adéquate le phénomène de circulation. With the signing of partnership agreements with EU countries for a concerted management of migration flows, circular migration has become a major topic of discussion in Senegal. Despite this interest, little research exists on this topic in the Senegalese context. The following analysis uses data from the household survey conducted in the framework of the MAFE-Senegal project (Migration between Africa and Europe) in 2008. The main objective of this project is to study complex migratory movements, going beyond the first departure. The results indicate that one out of four migrants has returned to Senegal after five years abroad. Returns from African countries are more common and happen at a faster pace than those from developed countries ; moreover, young people are less likely to return if they had migrated to a country outside Africa. Among those who returned to Senegal, some decide to migrate again : 17 per cent of migrants who made a first return live abroad at the time of the survey. The occurrence of new departures varies, depending in particular on the duration of the first migration and age at the time of the first return. Return migrants living in Senegal in 2008 are generally better educated and are overrepresented among the self-employed. Furthermore, the management of circular migration and temporary work in Senegal, institutionalized only recently, is prone to many problems. The survey results should help lay the groundwork for a deeper reflection on the role of institutions in charge, with the aim to respond more adequately to the phenomenon of circular migration.
Year 2011
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18 Report

Out of West Africa: Human Smuggling as a Social Enterprise

Authors Stephanie Maher
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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19 Journal Article

The Role of Migration Policy Changes in Europe for Return Migration to Senegal

Authors Marie-Laurence Flahaux
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
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20 Journal Article


Authors Loic Bruening
Year 2021
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 2
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21 Journal Article

Fertility Differences Between Migrants and Stayers in a Polygamous Context: Evidence from Senegal

Authors Elisabeth K. Kraus, Amparo Gonzalez-Ferrer
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 2
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22 Journal Article

The Mame Diarra dahira in the diaspora: challenging Murid patriarchy?

Authors Ester Masso Guijarro
Year 2013
Journal Name Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares
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23 Journal Article

Child-Parent Separations among Senegalese Migrants to Europe: Migration Strategies or Cultural Arrangements?

Authors Amparo Gonzalez-Ferrer, Pau Baizan, Cris Beauchemin
Year 2012
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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24 Journal Article

West and Central Africa

Authors N Lydie, NJ Robinson
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 7
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25 Journal Article

Assessing forest change in a priority West African mangrove ecosystem: 1986–2010

Authors Thomas W. Gillespie
Year 2014
Journal Name Geoforum
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26 Journal Article

Migrant Networks and International Migration: Testing Weak Ties

Authors Mao-Mei Liu
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 25
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27 Journal Article

Out of Africa: what drives the pressure to emigrate?

Authors Hendrik P. van Dalen, George Groenewold, Jeannette J. Schoorl
Year 2005
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 50
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28 Journal Article

La migration des personnes hautement qualifiées depuis et vers le Sénégal : historicité, actualité et perspectives

Authors Serigne Mansour TALL, Aly TANDIAN
Au cours des dernières années, la composition des flux migratoires depuis et vers le Sénégal a connu de profondes évolutions, notamment en raison de la présence croissante de migrants hautement qualifiés. La crise économique, sociale, politique, etc. et la faillite des services sociaux consécutive aux programmes d’ajustement structurel ont considérablement alimenté ce phénomène. L’émigration des Sénégalais hautement qualifiés s’explique en partie par la recherche de meilleures conditions de travail et de salaires plus élevés. Parallèlement, la profonde instabilité politique de la région a précipité l’arrivée massive au Sénégal de migrants hautement qualifiés originaires d’autres pays africains. Ainsi, au Sénégal comme dans les autres pays de départ, la migration hautement qualifiée s’est accentuée - en dépit des efforts mobilisés par les politiques - et concerne désormais tous les secteurs professionnels (santé, enseignement, etc.). In the last years, migratory flows to and from Senegal have taken on new forms . In particular, the migration of highly-skilled individuals has become significant, in the wake of profound political and economic crises and particularly following on from the collapse of the country’s social services provoked by extensive structural adjustment programs. The departure of highly-skilled Senegalese nationals is largely due to economic push and pull factors. But chronic political instability in the region has also brought into Senegal substantial numbers of highly-skilled workers from other African countries. Consequently, highly-skilled migration is on the rise in Senegal as well as in other sending countries and, despite various policy initiatives, it is to be found along the whole spectrum of professional activities (health, teaching, etc.).
Year 2010
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29 Report

Mapping Malaria Risk in Dakar, Senegal

Journal Name GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society
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30 Journal Article

Producing emotionally sensed knowledge? Reflexivity and emotions in researching responses to death

Authors Ruth Evans, Jane Ribbens McCarthy, Sophie Bowlby, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Social Research Methodology
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31 Journal Article

On Their Own? A Study of Independent Versus Partner-Related Migration from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Senegal

Authors Sorana Toma, Sophie Vause
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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33 Journal Article

Economic reintegration postreturn—examining the role of return voluntariness, resource mobilization and time to prepare

Authors Andrea Monti, Inmaculada Serrano
Year 2022
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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34 Journal Article

A fashionable wedding in Dakar, Senegal

Authors Leslie W. Rabine
Year 2022
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35 Journal Article

Migration and Intergenerational Responsibilities: Implications for Young Senegalese Migrants' Transition to Adulthood

Authors Nathalie Mondain, Alioune Diagne, Sara Randall
Year 2013
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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36 Journal Article

Libres de partir, libres de rester : Protéger les droits humains dans le contexte des mobilités environnementales. Études de cas au Bangladesh, Honduras et Sénégal

Authors Kahina Le Louvier, Secours Catholique Caritas France, Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación (ERIC), ...
Dans ce rapport, nous étudions les impacts du changement climatique et de la dégradation de l’environnement sur la vie quotidienne et la mobilité des populations vivant dans des zones affectées au Bangladesh, au Honduras et au Sénégal. Par une analyse croisée de ces trois cas, ce rapport entend porter des recommandations politiques basées sur les expériences réelles d’individus ayant souffert des effets du changement climatique et de la dégradation de l’environnement.
Year 2023
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37 Report

SLM: West Africa: Promoting sustainable land management in migration-prone areas through innovative financing mechanisms

Provides support to West African countries, especially Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal, to: Integrate the SLM-migration nexus into their development and budgetary policies; Increase economic opportunities and improve the investment climate for SLM in specific geographic areas subject to desertification and migration; and Disseminate best SLM practices in West Africa and their funding in pertinent international fora.
Year 2014
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38 Project

Cadre général de la migration internationale sénégalaise : historicité, actualité et prospective.

Authors Serigne Mansour TALL, Aly TANDIAN
Le Sénégal est à la fois un pays d’émigration et un pays d’immigration. Pays d’accueil, historiquement, le Sénégal est devenu un pays de départ vers l’Afrique et la France au début des années 1970, en raison des conséquences du changement climatique et de la crise pétrolière. Par la suite, le mouvement d’émigration s’est intensifié malgré la fermeture des frontières en Europe et les difficultés économiques et les crises politiques en Afrique. Ces départs vers l’étranger sont le prolongement de mouvements migratoires spontanés à l’intérieur du pays vers les grandes villes, c'està-dire l’exode rural. Les nouveaux habitants des villes sont insérés dans le secteur informel qui est connecté aux réseaux transnationaux de départ et de transferts financiers. En effet, les grands marchés de Dakar et Touba sont des zones carrefours, à la fois pour les candidats au départ et pour les remises des émigrés. Les migrations internationales sont donc au coeur du changement territorial et des mutations sociales au Sénégal Abstract Senegal is a country of both in-migration and out-migration. Historically a destination country, Senegal became a country of departure toward Africa and France in the beginning of the 70s because of the impact of climate change and the oil crisis. Later on, out-migration developed in spite of the closure of the European borders, and the economic and political crisis in Africa. Out-migration prolongs spontaneous internal movement of population within the country toward the main cities, or rather, the rural exodus. The new inhabitants of the cities are incorporated into the informal sector, which is connected to transnational networks of migration and financial transfers. The great markets of Dakar and Touba are main crossroads for migration candidates and the destination of migrants’ remittances. International migration is, therefore, at the heart of territorial and social changes in Senegal.
Year 2011
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39 Report

Free to leave and free to stay : protecting human rights in the context of environmental mobilities

Authors Kahina Le Louvier, Secours Catholique Caritas France, Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación (ERIC), ...
In this report, we study the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on the daily lives and mobility of populations living in affected areas in Bangladesh, Honduras and Senegal. Through a cross-analysis of these three cases, this report aims to make policy recommendations based on the real experiences of individuals who have suffered from the effects of climate change and environmental degradation.
Year 2023
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40 Report

Releasing the Development Potential of Return Migration: The Case of Senegal

Authors Marie Angelique Diatta, Ndiaga Mbow
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 35
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41 Journal Article

Migrations Internationales et Développement: une analyse à partir de Données Appariées migrants-familles d'origine

Principal investigator Flore Gubert (Principal Investigator)
Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans la volonté d’améliorer l’état des connaissances sur les liens entre migration, transferts et développement à partir de l’exemple du Sénégal. A partir de données d'enquête originales, appariant des migrants avec leurs familles d'origine, il vise à produire des analyses socio-économiques du comportement des migrants en lien direct avec leurs familles et communautés d'origine.
Year 2008
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43 Project

Effects of Externalisation EU Migration Management in Africa and the Middle East

Principal investigator Cathrine Talleraas (Principal Investigator)
This project examines the effects of the EU’s external migration management policies by zooming in on six countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Senegal, Ghana and Libya. The countries represent origin, transit and destination countries for mixed migration flows, and differ in terms of governance practices, state capacities, colonial histories, economic development and migration contexts. Bringing together scholars working on different case countries and aspects of the migration policy puzzle, the EFFEXT project explores the broader landscape of migration policy in Africa and the Middle East
Year 2020
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44 Project

Engaging with Its Diaspora: The Case of Senegal

Authors Sorana Toma
Year 2017
Book Title Africa and its Global Diaspora
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45 Book Chapter

Childhood determinants of internal youth migration in Senegal

Authors Catalina Herrera Almanza, David E. Sahn
Year 2020
Journal Name Demographic Research
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46 Journal Article

Migration, masculinity and social class: Insights from Pikine, Senegal

Authors Sebastian Prothmann
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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47 Journal Article

Rural-to-Urban migration and child survival in Senegal

Authors Martin Brockerhoff
Year 1990
Journal Name Demography
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48 Journal Article

Towards a Global Agenda on Migration and Development? Evidence from Senegal

Authors Lama Kabbanji
Year 2013
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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49 Journal Article

Titanic tales of missing men: Reconfigurations of national identity and gendered presence in Dakar, Senegal

Year 2011
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 20
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50 Journal Article

Bureaucratic Migration Politics in West Africa: Opportunities and Dependencies Created by EU Funding

Authors Christof Roos, Florian Trauner, Ilke Adam
Year 2023
Journal Name International Migration Review
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51 Journal Article

French Fathers and Their "Indigenous Children": Interracial Families in Colonial Senegal, 1900-1915

Authors Kelly Duke Bryant
Year 2017
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52 Journal Article


Year 1992
Journal Name Disasters
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53 Journal Article

Le cadre juridique des migrations internationales au Sénégal

Authors Adrien DIOH
La présente contribution se propose d’appréhender le cadre législatif et institutionnel des migrations internationales au Sénégal. Il a permis de noter que malgré l’absence d’une politique migratoire nationale, la problématique a fait l’objet d’une réglementation. Sur le plan législatif, le pays adhère à un certain nombre de normes internationales émanant soit de l’Oit, soit des Nations Unies et qui n’ont pas manqué d’impacter sur l’ordre juridique interne. Au plan institutionnel, il a été constaté que le ministère de l’Intérieur, à travers quelques unes de ces directions, joue un rôle important. L’autre enseignement est que l’émigration occupe la portion congrue et que la réglementation concerne surtout le phénomène de l’immigration. Enfin, pour l’essentiel, les règles régissant la migration sont anciennes et de ce fait s’avèrent incapables de prendre en charge les nouvelles mutations que connaît le phénomène migratoire. / This contribution sets out the legislative and institutional framework governing international migration in Senegal. Despite the absence of a national migratory policy, migration has been regulated. At the legislative level, Senegal accepts a number of international rules from the ILO and the United Nations that affect the internal legal system. At the institutional level, the Ministry of Interior plays an important role through its services. Emigration is largely unregulated. Indeed, migration regulation mainly concerns immigration. Finally, migration regulation is dated and is, therefore, unable to deal with recent changes in migration.
Year 2010
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54 Report

Imagining Europe from the Outside (EUMAGINE)

Data on the impact of perception of human rights and demogracy on migration aspirations. Imagining Europe from the Outside investigated the impact of perceptions of human rights and democracy on migration aspirations and decisions. Funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, the EUMAGINE project involved more than thirty researchers in seven countries who worked to understand how people in Morocco, Senegal, Turkey and Ukraine relate to the possibility of migration. Following the end of the project in 2013, its data is now available to interested researchers.
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55 Data Set

Emigration Rates From Sample Surveys: An Application to Senegal

Authors Frans Willekens, Sabine Zinn, Matthias Leuchter
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
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56 Journal Article

Can Self-affirmation Encourage HIV-Prevention? Evidence from Female Sex Workers in Senegal

Authors Sara Haire, Aurelia Lepine, Daniel A. Effron, ...
Year 2023
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57 Journal Article

Victims of their Fantasies or Heroes for a Day? Media Representations, Local History and Daily Narratives on Boat Migrations from Senegal

Authors Stefano degli Uberti
Year 2014
Journal Name Cahiers d'études africaines
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58 Journal Article

Understanding transnational political involvement among Senegalese migrants: The role of acculturation preferences and perceived discrimination

Authors Eva G. T. Green, Oriane Sarrasin, Jenny Maggi
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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59 Journal Article

Les Migrations entre l'Afrique et l'Europe

Principal investigator Cris Beauchemin (Principal Investigator)
L’objectif principal du projet de recherche MAFE est de fournir des données quantitatives et originales sur les caractéristiques et les comportements des migrants d’Afrique subsaharienne. Il vise à palier à l’absence de données complètes sur les causes des migrations et les modes de circulation entre l’Afrique et l’Europe. Les retours, la circulation et les pratiques transnationales des migrants doivent être correctement compris pour concevoir de meilleurs politiques de migration. Le projet MAFE étudie les flux migratoires entre l’Europe et le Sénégal, la République Démocratique du Congo et le Ghana, qui représentent plus du quart des migrations africaines vers l’Europe. Thème 1 : rendre compte des tendances des migrations entre l’Afrique et l’Europe. Thème 2 : Expliquer les départes, mais aussi les retours. Thème 3 : Intégration et réintégration des migrants. Thème 4 : Migrations internationales et changements familiaux.
Year 2006
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60 Project

Epidemics, Xenophobia and Narratives of Propitiousness

Authors Ato Kwamena Onoma
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 14
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62 Journal Article

Social Factors Associated with the Knowledge About HIV of the Immigrants from China, Latin America, the Maghreb and Senegal in the Basque Country (Spain)

Authors Elena Rodriguez-Alvarez, Nerea Lanborena, Amaia Bacigalupe, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 3
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64 Journal Article

Reunifying versus Living Apart Together across Borders: A Comparative Analysis of sub-Saharan Migration to Europe

Authors Cris Beauchemin, Valentina Mazzucato, Pau Baizan, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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66 Journal Article

Pathways into Irregular Status among Senegalese Migrants in Europe

Authors Erik Vickstrom
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 13
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67 Journal Article


Authors Guido Nicolas Zingari, Virginia Napoli
Year 2022
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68 Journal Article

The within-country distribution of brain drain and brain gain effects: A case study on Senegal

Authors Philippe Bocquier, Narcisse Cha'ngom, Frédéric Docquier, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of Demographic Economics
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69 Journal Article

From Field to Concept: The Example of Senegalese Multisited Villages

Authors Hamidou Dia
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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70 Journal Article

Enrolment of older people in social health protection programs in West Africa - Does social exclusion play a part?

Authors Divya Parmar, Gemma Williams, Fahdi Dkhimi, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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71 Journal Article

French Colonial Expansion in West Africa, The Sudan, and the Sahara

Authors Norman Dwight Harris
Year 1911
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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72 Journal Article

Mind the gap: Application-based analysis of cultural adjustment models

Authors Miriam Sobre-Denton, Dan Hart
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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73 Journal Article

Mobilité genrée au Sénégal

Authors Isabelle Chort, Philippe de Vreyer, Thomas Zuber
Year 2020
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 3
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75 Journal Article

Bayfall diaspora in Spain: Contesting Senegalese Murid Migration

Authors Ester Masso Guijarro
Year 2016
Journal Name Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares
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76 Journal Article

Anthropology, Ethical Dissonance, and the Construction of the Object

Authors Sylvie Fainzang
Year 2015
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77 Journal Article

The Politics of Home: Dual Citizenship and the African Diaspora

Authors Beth Elise Whitaker
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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78 Journal Article

Rethinking family relations through the allocation of emigration’s resources: Senegalese migrants’ use of e-commerce

Authors Melissa Blanchard
Year 2013
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79 Journal Article

Stop, in the Name of COVID! Using Social Media Data to Estimate the Effects of COVID-19-Related Travel Restrictions on Migration

Authors Jordan D. Klein, Jordan D. Klein, Ingmar Weber, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Demography
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80 Journal Article

Effects of a free health insurance programme for the poor on health service utilisation and financial protection in Senegal

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Pathé Diakhaté, Grâce à Dieu Toulao, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name BMJ Global Health
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81 Journal Article

Second-hand clothing commerce and the mobility cultural configuration: A journey to manhood

Authors Rocío A. Castillo
Year 2014
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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82 Journal Article

Migration et genre au Sénégal

Authors Papa SAKHO, Rosalie A. DIOP, Madon AWISSI-SALL
Les rapports de genre dans la migration sénégalaise connaissent une évolution notable depuis une trentaine d’années, marquées par la croissance de la présence féminine dans les mouvements internationaux de personnes. Dans les milieux de départ, les mutations socioculturelles s’affirment tant en milieu urbain que rural, et les difficultés économiques sont de plus en plus aiguës. Dans les pays de destination, les conditions d’installation deviennent sans cesse plus contraignantes. Malgré les contraintes de données, souvent parcellaires quand elles sont disponibles, l’analyse s’appuie sur des enquêtes récentes menées à Dakar et dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal, deux espaces assez représentatifs des foyers de départ urbains et ruraux. Elle livre des éléments de réponse sur le profil de la migrante sénégalaise, surtout citadine, sur son statut économique et les raisons de sa migration. Ainsi, la migration féminine autonome s’amplifie en particulier en direction de l’Europe avec la réorientation des flux de la migration sénégalaise. En outre, le profil de la migrante sénégalaise se distingue relativement de celui des hommes ; elle part plus jeune et revient plus tôt. L’augmentation de l’autonomie féminine s’affirme, par ailleurs, dans les raisons de la migration. Le regroupement familial traduit toujours le poids de l’homme et est encore de mise. Toutefois, plus de la moitié d’entre elles partent pour les mêmes raisons de travail et d’études. Pour mieux cerner les rapports de genre, il serait opportun de revisiter toutes les données collectées antérieurement afin de mieux conceptualiser le phénomène, et de porter plus d’attention aux rapports de la femme dans le ménage de départ en relation avec la migration, afin d’ouvrir davantage de perspectives d’actions de développement dans les pays de départ. / In the framework of Senegalese migration, gender relations have changed significantly over the last thirty years the result, in part, of there being more women in international movements. As a whole, female migration experiences the same patterns of international movements as male migration : in the origin country, they are pushed by rapid changes in the socio-cultural environment both in urban and rural areas, together with worsening socio-economic conditions ; while in the destination country, they face an ever more challenging process of integration. This analysis is based on two recent surveys conducted in Dakar and in the Senegal River Valley, two important emigration regions. Thanks to this data, the profile of Senegalese emigrants can be set out, especially regarding their socio-economic status and their reasons for migration. As a whole, the independent emigration of women is increasing especially towards European countries, a result of the reorientation of Senegalese emigration flows. The profile of female migrants differs slightly from that of their male counterparts. Females tend to be younger when they leave and to return more often than men. As to the reasons for emigration, even if family reasons are still more important for women than for men, today, more than half of female migrants leave Senegal for work or study. Understanding the causes and effects of female migration makes sense for designing development policies in Senegal.
Year 2011
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83 Report

The politics of (un)counting international migration in Senegal and the Gambia

Authors Inken Bartels
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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84 Journal Article


Authors Veronique Deslauriers, Simona Bignami, Valerie Delaunay, ...
Year 2022
Citations (WoS) 3
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85 Journal Article

Country Monographs: France

Authors Jacques Barou
Book Title Citizenship, Belonging and Intergenerational Relations in African Migration
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86 Book Chapter

African Migrant Women

On the margins of the EU, African women migrants can be important transmitters of social cultural practices. But in certain societies of immigration (France, Spain) these women, because of the ageing factor can be victims of some kind of discrimination. Often their husbands can replace them for new co-spouses. This situation creates tensions and that is, for the women, all the more constraining and painful when the women carry on a productive and reproductive activity. this proposal, through a specific anthropological demography methodology, wants to bring into question meaningful motions of ethnicity, transnationalisation, gender and the changing context in relation to aesthetic and body concepts of African women in the settlement countries mainly in Spain and France (Europe) and in Senegal and Gambia (Africa).
Year 2009
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87 Project

Forêt classée de Pata : les arachidiers dictent leur loi aux éleveurs

Authors Mamady Sidibé
Year 2000
Journal Name L’Espace géographique
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88 Journal Article

Francophone Africa, Protest and Independence

Authors Ayokunk Olumuyiwa Omobowak
Year 2009
Journal Name The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest
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89 Journal Article

Legal Status, Gender, and Labor Market Participation of Senegalese Migrants in France, Italy, and Spain

Authors Erik R. Vickstrom, Amparo Gonzalez-Ferrer
Year 2016
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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90 Journal Article

African Migrant Women

On the margins of the EU, African women migrants can be important transmitters of social cultural practices. But in certain societies of immigration (France, Spain) these women, because of the ageing factor can be victims of some kind of discrimination. Often their husbands can replace them for new co-spouses. This situation creates tensions and that is, for the women, all the more constraining and painful when the women carry on a productive and reproductive activity. this proposal, through a specific anthropological demography methodology, wants to bring into question meaningful motions of ethnicity, transnationalisation, gender and the changing context in relation to aesthetic and body concepts of African women in the settlement countries mainly in Spain and France (Europe) and in Senegal and Gambia (Africa).
Year 2012
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91 Project

Globalising Touba

Authors Eric Ross
Year 2011
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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92 Journal Article

Men from Sub-Saharan Africa Living in Worker Hostels in France: A Hidden Population with Poor Access to HIV Testing

Authors M. Guiguet, S. Dionou, J. Volant, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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93 Journal Article

Pathways to reintegration in Senegal and Nigeria promoted by Italian Assisted Voluntary Return programmes

Authors Marco Caselli, Marco Caselli, Oana Marcu, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration
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94 Journal Article

France and the restitution of African cultural property: a critical race theory view

Authors Antonio C. Cuyler, Khamal Patterson
Year 2023
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95 Journal Article

Making Life Liveable in an Informal Market

Authors Nomkhosi Mbatha, Leah Koskimaki
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration and Society
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96 Journal Article

Beyond "Kamikaze Migrants": Risk Taking in West African Boat Migration to Europe

Authors Maria Hernandez-Carretero, Jorgen Carling
Year 2012
Journal Name Human Organization
Citations (WoS) 20
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97 Journal Article

African Renaissance Conferences of the 21st Century

Authors Molefi Kete Asante
Year 2006
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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99 Journal Article

Word embedding analysis on colonial history, present issues, and optimism toward the future in Senegal

Authors Kamwoo Lee, Jeanine Braithwaite, Michel Atchikpa
Year 2021
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100 Journal Article
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