PROSINT: Promoting sustainable policies for integration of Third Country Nationals


While integration policies as such are not new, and in some countries date back to the 1980s and beyond, there have been important shifts in the debates on integration and in related re-configurations of integration policymaking in the past decade or so. In particular, there has been an increasing linkage of integration and admission policy and a related shift of focus towards integration of newcomers. Against this background, the PROSINT project has set out to • Evaluate the impact of admission related integration policies on the integration of newcomers • Analyse the different logics underlying integration policy making • Investigate the main target groups of compulsory and voluntary integration measures. Altogether, the study covered 9 countries (AT, CH, CZ, DE, ES, IT, NL, SE, UK).
Year 2009

Taxonomy Associations

Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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